COURAGE: Clemson Online Undergraduate Research on Algebra and Graphs Expanded
Descents in Permutations and Labeled Trees

Project description: Descent in a permutation a1 ... an is a pair of adjacent elements ai > ai+1. For example, the permutation 52314 has two descents: 5>2 and 3>1. Descents are well-studied in combinatorics and this project will investigate how much some of the properties of descents in permutations carry over in the setting of rooted labeled trees (connected graphs with no cycles and a distinguished vertex called a root).

Prerequisites:   familiarity with counting permutations and combinations.

Project faculty:
Prof. Svetlana Poznanović
Email: spoznan at (change "at" to "@")
Office hours: TBA
Bio: coming soon

Last updated 31 May 2020